Assisted Mentor, Business So Over Easy

Assisted Mentor, Business So Over Easy

term business mentor or business coach is known in the world of new business lately. Though the practice has long done accidentally in the business environment. Business mentor is a businessman who has shared his knowledge and experience to the businesspeople who are just starting the business. In our society a lot of practice such as a father who guides his son or nephew of an uncle guide.

Why do we need a mentor?
With the guidance of a mentor the beginners can learn and replicate the successful experience of the mentor. So the beginner can reduce the risk of error when making its own way through trial and error. Thus he could save time, money and energy is wasted when to try and fail (trial and error). In the modern business world, this means lots of practice. For example in a network marketing business or multi-level marketing and franchise businesses. In the MLM business, one's success is determined by how far he could follow the example of seniors who had already been successful. Similarly, in the franchise business. We live example of a business system that has proven successful so far.

How do I find a mentor?
Learning to close relatives or employers. This method is practiced in many of our communities. For example, a nephew to his uncle to learn, or a successful businessman who was later to guide employees. Usually people who are already successful voluntarily share their knowledge. People who are successful usually have the nature of abundance (Abundance). He was glad to give charity, give knowledge to others and so on. How to learn is the most effective, because the study directly. We have witnessed many successful examples in this way.

Having a personal mentor
To be a trend lately, which is a personal mentor who acts as a personal tutor who will teach us the ins and outs of the business that we do not know. With regular meetings, a mentor will guide step-by-step student to run a business. There have been several institutions and individuals who do this in Indonesia, such as: Tung Desem Waringin, Action International (Brad Sugars), Indonesian Muslim Entrepreneurs Network (JPMI), Entrepreneur University, PT. Menara Kadin Indonesia, etc.. My business back to health after a personally guided by Mr. Tung Desem Waringin. Thank you Mr. Tung!

Through books, tapes or the Internet
Can be through books, audio book or website from people who have successfully we can get a lot of valuable lessons. For example: Jay Conrad Levinson (author of Guerilla Marketing), Michael E. Gerber (author of the book E-Myth), Anthony Robbins (Author Awaken the Giant Within), Harvey Mackay, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, etc.. Currently on the radio, too many mentors through radio broadcasts such as the SmartFM, Pas FM, etc. Ramako.

Through seminars or training
Almost every week of business seminars and personal development of many held in Indonesia. We can get a lot of lessons from it. Seminars and training organized by the speaker as Tung Desem Waringin, James Gwee, Kafi Kurnia, Hermawan Kartajaya, Ary Ginanjar, Mario Teguh, Rhenald Kasali, so popular today.

Does using certain successful mentor?
No, if the advice is not your mentors do. At the start mentoring, I analyze and argue a lot. I often say that the idea is impossible mentor or unreasonable. Finally after I started to 'think', not many have the attitude of thinkers and willing to try, then the results started to show. In conclusion, the current was so easy to be successful, because the sources of their knowledge berlilmpah. Books, internet, magazines, radio, seminars, training on business learning more scattered. Stay free. Not like the old days, when I was in college, very difficult to find sources of practical business knowledge such as this. Fortunately, I had joined MLM enough to help me develop a personal and business insight.
Hopefully useful.

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