Opening his own business from home can be one option to start the first step as an entrepreneur

Opening his own business from home can be one option to start the first step as an entrepreneur. We know many successful entrepreneurs who started his career from home. And many large companies that originally pioneered the home of its founder.

Having a business from home will save you invest in a place / location. Because not need to rent and not have to buy it. Even if we still ngontrak homes, homes that we contract will be more productive and not just ditempai to sleep alone.

In the current digital era, the opportunity to start a business from home is very wide open. We can start a business selling goods or services via the Internet. Origin of goods and services we sell a lot of needs and a web site that we make can reach prospective buyers, then the chance of washing the money through the internet is very open.

Not only the business through the Internet, traditional or conventional businesses, can start from home. Thank God our gratitude houses in strategic locations, then we have a great opportunity to bring in customers.

But what if the location of our house is not strategic? I think the opportunity to own and manage the business of the house remains. Here's one I share a football exploits of our business partners (suppliers Kiosk Addina).

She was a woman who has a very bad business according to my size. And he's run through the house. The strategy he uses is a Consignment, a strategy that is easy is not it?

Incidentally, he was producing some kind of gamis and snacks. The goods he made, he Leave to a few stalls, shops, and boutiques. In fact, he entrusts the sale of snack foods to a few vendors.

Not only the homemade goods, every chance he also left the goods he purchased from other producers. The key here is networking and the willingness to establish a new network.

On certain days she was traveling from stall to stall, from shop to shop, from boutique to boutique, and from street vendors to other vendors to check the merchandise, collect payment for goods sold, and the left back of new goods to replace the already sold or exchanged with the unsold goods.

When asked his income, he said yach .. decent and meaningful smile :-).

What is clear in this way, he could have a lot of stores without having to rent a store and shop without buying. When she can manage their own business rhythm.

Hopefully useful

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