10 Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Do not feel 9 months I've Waterfalls become entrepreneurs and there are enough lessons I took. Especially when you start, make sure you have the following 10:

1. Plan and Vision to the front
As a writer, I used to make an outline, so even if I write like crazy and erratic developing story, I could see the outline of my back and back back on track.
Have no plan that is sometimes a good thing and yes because I spontaneously started Angel without a plan at all, just pure action ha-ha. But a few months later we realized we reply really need a plan and vision that would clarify what steps should we take to be in line with our vision and mission.
2. Find the people who support our ideas
Imagine new dong kilo Utah denaturing make plans ahead, we plan any course it will not happen. Find the people in line and support our ideas, so the motivation is still there within us to grow even bigger. Way, please join the community.
3. Find partners
For a really newbie in the business field as I am, so very nice to have a partner. Covered with hard love. Brainstorm is better. Husband or wife may also be the best business partner.
4. Find a mentor
Please sit on an expert to get the most out of your business. Usually if a person has achieved success on some level, they would be willing to help friends who just started.
5. Gain momentum
Continue to innovate with your products, so that your company will never 'talk' in the eyes of customers and the media.
6. Marketed your business
You've just become entrepreneurs and suddenly felt ashamed of having to market the product. Well, you can not expect customers to come by it right?
7. Observe competitors
Sometimes annoyed with competitors, but it is very important to analyze football and see their exploits on the part where we can improve and apply their own shortcomings in our own business.
8. Manage finances
I'm no accountant, but my partner can do it. That's a good thing. If you do not have a partner, you can pay an accountant to do it for you. It's worsted every single rupee you spend.
9. Network
Establish network everywhere, in the end these people who will give you a 'business'. That's what happened to me.
10. Have FUN
As one well-known CEO of online business, "No fun? Business out! "

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