Behavioral Flexibility

Behavioral Flexibility

Take five teaspoons of salt, then put all into a glass. Fill the glass with water, but not to full. Stir. After the salt dissolves completely in water, dip your index finger. Without having to wait a long time, point your index finger to your tongue. What's it like?

Salty? So sure.

Try to take five teaspoons of salt, then put into a bucket. fill the bucket with water. Stir briefly until the salt dissolves completely. Dip your index finger back, and feel again. Asinkah? May still salty, not seasin first experiment.

Next, bring the water in the glass and water in a bucket into a swimming pool. Combine the water with water in the swimming pool. What's it like? Not an iota of taste salty, even into a swimming pool included 10 tablespoons of salt that is dissolved.

Simple experiments to explain a phenomenon known as behavioral flexibility (flexibility behavior). This simple experiment to answer various questions like this:

1. Why would anyone voluntarily terminating life by hanging himself as a broken heart or jilted, while on the other hand there are those who accept the conditions and try to find another candidate for her life partner?

2. Why are some people who burned the former factory where she worked for laid off, while there are others who then seek another job or even start a business and then be successful?

3. Why is there fighting the case or even murder because of the small change, while on the other hand there are people who still grinning when he touches the loss of billions of dollars?

4. Why do some people fainted or died because of the lottery can be a hundred million dollars, while on the other hand there are people who still complain when business is only a profit of one hundred million dollars?

5. Some people are immune to criticism, but on the other hand someone a little offended, machetes talk ...

There are many other examples. And this article is not just collect samples.

Human response to an event, rather than depending on the number of 'garam'nya, but rather on how much' water 'has. The people who 'air'nya bit, like a firecracker with a short fuse. Once the fuse ignited the fire, instantly exploded. Can test a little, desperately. Can be a little trouble, complain. There was a slight hitch, grumble. A little offended, machetes talk. They only have one choice. Burn!

Those who have the 'water' quite a lot, have a few choice responses. When tested with the problem, he had no choice but despair. When facing difficulties, he had no choice but to complain. When faced with obstacles, he had no choice but to grumble.

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